A Welcoming Christian Church in Southaven, MS
Looks like a house...Feels like a home!
Welcome to Graceland Christian Church, where everyone is accepted with a smile and open arms. Although we may be a smaller congregation, we have the spirit of a group twice our size. You can hear our love for Jesus Christ in the songs sung by our choir, the words spoken by our pastors, and the lessons taught by our Christian educators. Come join us this Sunday and add your voice to our service.
Here at our Christian church in Southaven, MS, we are dedicated to sharing our adoration of Jesus Christ with all who walk through our doors. Regardless of your past, you’ll find a home among the friendly and compassionate people who worship with us every week. Our dynamic congregation consists of people of all ages and all backgrounds with one shared goal: to promote a lifelong passion for Christian education and devotion.
Feel free to reach out to us anytime with any questions or for more information about our religious and church services. And don’t forget to join one of our weekly classes or worship with us on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. Our congregation and pastoral team look forward to meeting and getting to know you.
Contact us today to learn more about our Christian church. We are proud to be located in Southaven, Mississippi.
About Us - Disciples of Christ in Southaven, MS
The Graceland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ in Southaven, MS,) originated on the American Frontier during the early 19th Century. We are often referred to as the most “American” of Christian denominations because the ideals of the “Spirit of ’76” had a major impact on our beginnings. Our first leaders were Barton Stone, Thomas Campbell, and Alexander Campbell; Presbyterians who reacted against sectarian frontier religion and urged a union of all Christians founded upon the restoration of New Testament Christianity. They advocated believer’s baptism by immersion and weekly observance of The Lord’s Supper.
Worship service styles vary from congregation to congregation, but all Disciples congregations observe The Lord’s Supper each Sunday. The symbol of our denomination is a chalice bearing the X shaped cross of St. Andrew. The chalice represents the centrality of the Lord’s Supper and the St. Andrew’s cross symbolizes our Scottish Presbyterian heritage.
Disciples live by the admonition, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things, love.” Creeds may be used in worship and Christian education, but they are not seen as tests of fellowship. We hold that the scriptures witness to all things necessary for salvation, and we encourage each person to study the scriptures and to seek God’s will for their life. The unity of all Christians continues to be held before us as our “polar star.” The Christian Church has always served as a “bridge church” or a common ground for people with diverse denominational backgrounds.
As Disciples of Christ in Southaven, MS, we believe that all people are created by God and therefore entitled to respect and freedom. Freedom to think for ourselves, govern our own congregations, interpret the Bible in our contexts. “Unity with diversity” has long been a motto. We value open discussion, even disagreement, as we seek to interpret and express our understanding of God’s will for ourselves and our society. While we do not confuse unity with uniformity, “Unity for all Christians” is indeed a polar star. We believe God seeks the reconciliation of all divided peoples…whether by age, race, gender, nationality, or any other human division. As Disciples, we also believe in individual responsibility… that every member is a minister, responsible to use their spiritual gifts in the service of God’s mission.
For more information about the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ in Southaven MS, ) visit the Disciples.org website.
Find a family at Graceland Christian Church. We are a small but mighty, multi-generational congregation. Our friendly and welcoming faces tell the story of Graceland Christian Church.
To be and share the love of Christ to those we meet.
Pastor Ken has been preaching lately about what would Jesus do … We need to consider what we would do...about poverty, about inclusion, about discrimination, about loneliness. Join us for worship and begin becoming what you would like to be.
Bringing Christ To Those Who Need Him in Southaven, MS
Graceland Christian Church was founded in October 1956 as a mission to the Whitehaven area of Memphis. The church began in the community room of the Whitehaven Plaza and moved from there to the home of Mrs. Ruth Brown Moore, who had donated 5 acres of her property on which to build the new church. While plans were being developed for the church building to help bring Christ to those who need him in Southaven, MS, Mrs. Moore sold the house to a rather famous Memphian. With renovations starting on the house the church became a bit nomadic, moving back to the community room and then to a pavilion which they transformed from a Saturday night dance hall to a sanctuary for Sunday worship. It was a welcome day when they could move into the new building. Oh, did we mention that Mrs. Moore’s home had a name which it retains today? That home is known worldwide as Graceland, home and last resting place of Elvis Presley. The home and the church bear the name Graceland to honor Miss Grace Toof, the daughter of the original owner.
For thirty-four years, Graceland Christian Church ministered to folks bring Christ to those who need him in Southaven, MS. When Elvis Presley Enterprises began to expand their facilities, the church building was decommissioned and sold. The members of Whitehaven Presbyterian Church graciously offered their chapel as a meeting place while a new permanent home was sought.
In 1989 the church moved to its present location at 2126 Stateline Road East in Southaven, Mississippi and continued its ministry to those near and far. Two building programs took the church from meeting in the “front room” of the house to meeting in a building designed for multiple activities and then into a sanctuary for Sunday worship. The prayers and hard work of many people continue to sustain the congregation and its ministries. Our history includes stories too numerous to mention here, but just ask someone, and they will be pleased to tell you our stories.
We have been blessed with the talents of eleven gifted Senior Ministers and several very gifted Associate and Student Ministers in the course of our history. These ministers encouraged, and continue to encourage, our mission to bring Christ to those who need him in Southaven, MS. Throughout the history of the church, people from all walks of life have worked together to further this mission. Sixty-six years and counting, the history of Graceland Christian Church is still being written.
Meet the Minister
Ken Sipley
It’s a blessing to be associated with a congregation so committed to serving Christ in this fellowship. Graceland Christian Church is a caring community committed to following Jesus Christ wherever he may lead.
Meet The Staff
Mary Sipley
Since I am the organist/choir director at Tunica United Methodist Church I do not get to attend Graceland Christian with you. Becoming the church secretary at Graceland has given me the opportunity to get to know you all better.
I am grateful for this.
Zak Klinck
I have been the Director of Music since January, 2018. Prior to that I served as pianist for about 5 years. My family has belonged to Graceland since 2003. In that time I have served as a Deacon, Elder, Board Chair and various other capacities. Music has been a part of my life since beginning piano lessons in the 3rd grade. Professionally, I have worked for FedEx Express since April, 2001. My current position is running the fatigue risk management program for the pilots.
Monica Turnmire
I have been with the church since 1998. My current role is Children's Church Leader & Nursery attendant. I love children & I love teaching them about God's love for them, as well as the ways & teachings of Jesus. I consider Graceland my home and I love all of my church family... and our Potlucks are my FAVORITE!
What We Do
Graceland Christian Church
2126 E Stateline Rd, Southaven, MS 38671 / 662-342-6098
Greetings from Graceland Christian Church!
We hope this letter finds you well. We are reaching out to our community to say “Hello!” and to let you know who we are, and about our Community Outreach Ministries.
Graceland Christian Church has brought Christ to the Southaven, MS community for 33 years. Over these years, we have seen many changes in our community. We are responding to our community’s needs with outreach ministries.
1. The 1st Saturday Clothes Closet – Lending a helping hand in our community by providing clothes for those in need. Open 9am until Noon on the 1st Saturday of every month. We have clothes for men, women & children.
2. Graceland’s Superstar Tutoring Program – Free Tutoring sessions for children in grades K-5 held every Saturday from 10-11am. Specialized tutoring is based on the specific needs of each student.
3. Monthly Collection Drive – Collections of food items, school supplies & Christmas gifts for charities like the Olive Branch Food Pantry, The Samaritans, & the Pregnancy Center.
4. Prayer Box– Providing a Prayer Box in front of our marquee for our community. Prayers are collected & shared during Sunday service, then added to our prayer lists. Prayers may be left anonymously, if desired.
5. Wednesday Night Bible Study/Choir Practice – Join us every Wednesday night for Bible Study from 6pm to 7pm.
6. Meeting Facilities – Provided for non-profit organizations such as Girl Scouts, AA/Al-Anon, local dance groups, and a community choir.
Graceland Christian Church is dedicated to sharing our love for Christ with all who walk through our doors. Please reach out to us anytime with questions, or to request information about our ministries.
Graceland Christian Church
Looks like a house, feels like a home!
Join us for worship on Sundays at 11am, in-person, or live online, via Facebook.
Search Facebook for “Graceland Christian Church Disciples of Christ”
Visit our website: gracelandchristianchurch.org
How We Govern Ourselves
We are self-governing. Every month we have a Board Meeting with those who hold office in the congregation. At any time, others may join us. Minutes of our Board meeting will be posted here.
Graceland Christian Church - General Board Meeting 7/14/24
Attendees: Zak Klinck, Kathryn Purdy, Mike Brower, Carolyn Brower, Ken Sipley, Mary Sipley, Jane Alred, Barbara Speck, Janie Basford,Linda Wilson, Andy Rushing, Edison Rushing and Vicky Neyman
Meeting opened with prayer from Carolyn Brower at 1:20 p.m.
June 2024 meeting minutes approved as presented.
Financial report discussed and approved as presented.
Mission to Neighbor (Phyllis)
For June the powdered drink mixes were delivered to the
Samaritan’s in Horn Lake. As always they were very appreciative.
This month (July) Mission to Neighbor will be supplementing the
School supplies as recommended by Janie. For August clean out
Your pantry for the Samaritians.
Mission to Family (Kathryn)
Up coming events: Ice cream social is August 11,2024. Pot Luck is
September 8,2024. BBQ Pot Luck is October 13. Thanksgiving Pot
Luck is November 10,2024.
Silly Santa Pot Luck is December 8, 2024.
Property (Andy/Edison)
Shower head replaced. Dirt has been ordered and tools are
needed for Andy and the Iowa youth group to fill in the holes
on the church property. If there is a rain out they can work in the
Clothes closet. Andy and Edison will check the refrigerator in the
kitchen for any needed repairs.
The roof patches seem to be working, Andy will still get bids for a
new roof. The church floors do not need waxing at this time.
Worship (Mike)
Replacement needed on September 8, 2024 for our out of town
minister, no other report.
No report
No report
Men’s group
No report
Women’s group
The next meeting is August 10,2024.
Old business
Collection are still being taken for the piano fund.
Open discussion for the church brochure. Less pictures, using
card with possible QR code and place for removal sticker for
upcoming events.
New Business
Ken would like to see the church contact Cane Ridge, Kentucky
for a possible visit and communication.
Ken would like to church to discuss options for “The Room At The
Meeting closed in prayer from Linda at 1:55 p.m.
Grace Notes for August 13, 2024
Hello, Everyone,
The ice cream social was certainly a success. It was good to see you last Sunday. The next potluck luncheon is on September 8th. There is no theme for the luncheon so eitherbring your favorite dish or try something new. The Bible Study group will continue tomorrow night at 6:00 PM. If you would like to jointhis group you are more than welcome. The group meets in the church office. At the Women's Peace Group meeting last Saturday they started stuffing the ChristmasShoeboxes for their project. The boxes are usually sent in early November. In September thechurch will start collecting any additional items needed for the shoeboxes as part of the Ministry-to-Neighbor. Next week I'll include a list of needed items for the shoeboxes. This month is still "clean out the pantry" month. All items will be donated to the Samaritans Group. I know I'm not the only one that needs to clean out their pantries. This Sunday's sermon title is "Why Study History?" and the scripture reading is Psalm 2.
I hope you all have a wonderful week.
We have an interesting double header coming up in 2024-25. On October 11-12 the Disciples of Christ Regional Assembly (held every other year in one of the three sections of Tennessee) will be held in Memphis. On July 12-15, 2025, the Disciples General Assembly (held every other year somewhere in the United States) will also be in Memphis. More about this at a later date. Our main point of interest at present is the Regional Assembly. The usual procedure for a regional assembly is: worship Friday night; business meeting and other sessions Saturday morning and afternoon; and worship Saturday night. The experience can be interesting and inspiring. Mary and I attended the last time the RA was in Memphis. Mary even got to play piano for the worship service on Saturday night. How does this affect Graceland Christian Church? Let me remind you that due to the accident of our birth (the reason for our name) we are members of the Tennessee Region. We are therefore part of this Regional Assembly. The good news is that we can be part of the goings-on without having to travel and stay in some hotel. We are entitled to have four voting delegates to the business sessions. I will be one; one other must be someone 15-25, of which we have two right now. That leaves us with two slots to fill. If you are interested, please let me know and I'll send you the registration packet by email. Also, if you are interested in attending without being a voting delegate pet me know and I'll send you the information (email). This is our chance to exercise our right to be part of the larger Disciples of Christ Church. I hope you will take advantage. Words to Ponder
"We have to inspire our children and grandchildren to take on challenges and risks that at first may seem to be overwhelming. They need to understand that the only failure is not trying."
Aug. 14 6:00 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM AA/Alanon meeting
Aug. 18 9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Worship Service
Aug. 19 7:00 PM Square Dancing
Aug. 21 6:00 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM AA/Alanon meeting
Aug. 25 9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Worship Service
Elders meeting following Worship
Susie Hayes 8/7
Phyllis Griggs 8/14
Mike Brower 8/18
Loggan Harper 8/18
Jordyn Scott 8/20
Edison Rushing 8/23
Charlotte Howard 8/24
DeSoto Central - four boys died in auto accident -Tucker Rudd was one of the four (Tammy)
Ashton Fisher - death of her boyfriend
Skylar Baggett - her mother died
Family of Shirley Stewart (Mike B.)
Bill Russell - bad reaction to medication (Connie's brother)
Sandy - surgery this week (Connie's sister-in-law)
Penny Head - not long to live & Larry, her husband (Connie)D'Arcy - still having health issues
Keep Pat in your prayers
Vicky - traveling abroad for 12 days
John Taylor - prostate cancer (stage 4) (Beverley's son)
Our Country - Don't just pray, do something
Carolyn's store is closing
S.K. - going through a divorce (Connie's friend)
Chastity & her family
Linda McDaniel - heart attack (Vicky)
Kathryn - osteoporosis & lack of vitamin D
Nick & Deborah Cove - bladder cancer/other health problems (Phyllis)
Georgia Kerr - breast cancer (Penny's sister)
Michael & Julie Summers (elderly parents of Blake Summers) - both in hospital (Linda)
David (Parkinson's disease) & Barbie Burns (she is much better) (Andy)
Katie Stout - pregnant - pray for all to go smoothly (Sophie)
Lee Short - heart problems (Kathryn)
Chris Baggett (Mike & Carolyn)
Larry Colburn - blockages (Chastity)
Greg Faust - congestive heart failure; Brenda Faust - bladder cancer (Phyllis)
Deborah Revelle - illness- in nursing home/making progress (Phyllis)
Cesare Leonard - guidance
Tryston Leonard
Woody Lane - aggressive prostate cancer (Kathryn's cousin)
David Brown - lung cancer (Mike)
Allen Finklea (Andy)
Charlotte - doing well/Senatobia Nursing Home & Rehab Center
Daniel Coulston - working with prison ministry
Jackie Willcutt, Chaplain for DeSoto County Jail
Steve Lucas - for peace nearing end of life (Zak's uncle)
For victims of gun violenceSophia Xue & Zee Xue (Edison)
Mary Katherine Nance - paralyzed - hands moveable (Connie)
Tommy Butler - seriously ill (Connie)
Cindy and Sandy Dalton - health issues (Tammy's father & mother)
South Baldwin Christian Church Beverley - endurance/adjustment to new living arrangement
George Mares - needs liver transplant (Andy R.)
Asha - from the prayer box/prayers for the family
Prayers for the Ball and Golden families.
PRAISEJudy Redus - possibly will go home Thursday (Barbara)
Sarah K. - graduated with honors
Women's Peace Group & their ministry to the Texarkana Prison inmates
People using Prayer Box
Worship Service in Southaven, MS
At Graceland Christian Church our worship service in Southaven, MS, is a blended style. We use the piano for accompaniment, and our choir delivers more than its size might normally. Angie and Zak are gifted musicians, and many of our choir members are gifted singers. We offer communion every week, and all are welcome at the Lord's Table. Children stay in worship until after the children's Sermon when they leave and go to Children's Church. Pastor Ken preaches timely and thoughtful messages. All are welcome to attend our worship service in Southaven, MS, at 11:00 each Sunday.
Christian Education in Southhaven, MS
We believe christian education in Southaven, MS, does not end when a child is a teen. There are many adults who have left the church after they were baptized/confirmed, and that's where their education about faith, the Bible, God, and Jesus ends. As adults, we need opportunities to learn again or relearn those things we were taught at a young age. At Graceland Christian Church, we do not tell you what you MUST believe but encourage you to find your own belief system with the help of others. Our adult class meets each Sunday at 9:45 and another class meets each Wednesday at 6:00 PM.
Our elementary children meet at 10:15 on Sundays and our teens meet at 9:30.
Church Services In Southaven, MS
Choose Graceland Christian Church for church services in Southaven, MS. Contact us today for more information at (662) 342-6098.